Burn Unit & Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgeon specialize in reconstructive surgery. They can see patients who have birth defects, injuries, illnesses, or burns.
Many plastic surgeons choose to specialize as cosmetic surgeons, performing procedures to improve a patient’s appearance or aesthetic. However, not all plastic surgeons also practise cosmetic surgery.

Prior to reconstructive surgery, you might need to have debriding , or the removal of dead tissue, if your incision is serious. After that is finished, your plastic surgeon may recommend one of various wound treatments:
Plastic surgeon
Overview of Plastic Surgery
What is plastic surgery?
The term “plastic” in relation to plastic surgery is sometimes taken to signify “artificial.”
The word is derived from the prehistoric Greek verb plastikos, which meant to mould or mould.
A surgical speciality known as plastic surgery deals with both enhancing a person’s appearance and reconstructing face and body tissue deformities brought on by disease, trauma, or congenital defects.
Both function and attractiveness are improved and restored via plastic surgery.
Surgery may be performed on any area of the anatomy besides the central nervous system, such as:
Skin, including excision of tattoos, birthmarks, birth scars, burns, and skin cancer
Congenital abnormalities, such as cleft lips, cleft palates, and malformed ears Maxillofacial (the facial skeleton) (the facial skeleton) know more
What Does a Plastic Surgeon Do?
Except for the central nervous system, plastic surgeons can repair or reconstruct any part of the body. Among the procedures they perform are:
- Repair of burns
- Reconstruction of the lower extremities
- Surgery on the hand
- Scar removal
- Migraine treatment
- Straightening of the jaw
- Correctional surgeries for genetic disorders